I wish I could be a princess or fairy. Just like that little girl.
To be magical and beautiful.

I'm not sure what life is anymore. It's when an organism has all the functions and organs that gives it the ability to breathe.

Of course.

It's not that simple. I think my life is wonderful. I let myself believe I am happy.
Because I am. But there is something missing.
I don't know what it is.
But I am living.
School is starting soon.
I have friends, family, a cat.
Just today, my friend gave me a brain cell.
What more could I ask for?

I want it though.
Whatever it is.
I want it.

If you have it, please.
Please, just offer it to me,
and I'll refuse.

1 Confessions:

Anonymous said...

Maybe life is the search for the ever-elusive missing piece?

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