Well, we made Fey (though not my name or how I'm known, who I guess we can say is me) cry, and Sabaki (who virtually I suppose we can call you) cry. And we made an Angel and Thor cry too when they heard about it; it must've been powerful. && our companions! They are not like us-physically built being and conceivably their mental health. Their senses went awry and we've tried to explain ourselves and, most importantly our stories, but I'm not sure if it is they who don't understand or us who can't be certain that we understand the way they understand us. However, if language isn't how we'll communicate: They can listen to our hearts and once they heard, they too couldn't look us in the eye and had to cast their eyes down to cry...
You might be wondering what it is we all know, but if you take the time to truly listen to yourself perhaps you might hear something you've never heard of before or something you've been telling yourself for the longest time.
These tears that we all cry.
I leave it up to you to decide if they're of sorrow, relief, maybe euphoria, or something not quite in between.
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