Do you know that _______ you get when you see the one you love
sleeping next to you? When they're the most __________ and you've
silently been given the honor to be by them through the night?
That _______ in the pits of your center when you're watching them walk away, even though you know you'll see them again soon. The way you know just what they're thinking or what they're going to say moments before yet its always so ________.
How sometimes words just aren't enough to express the ____ you want to say or show. & Even then you're not quite sure how to _______ the things you want them to _____.
Everything in the back of your mind moments between the second hand;
All at once you're back in that dark room, with the sun peeking shyly through the window and the alarm clock on the nightstand ticking cautiously.
&& then...
Suddenly you can imagine your whole future with them with no end.