There's only so much I can do for you, the rest is determined by yourself only. Your pain is too much for me to comprehend though it brings me to tears as well.

I'm no good with talking or giving advice and I figure you already know that. I never was as clever as you. The way you speak and recount your stories...
You understand a lot and you know this, but in all honesty you don't.
Even you know this isn't fair. The way you used to be happy and now you've forgotten.
This is all I can give to you.

"Life is beautiful. Everyone's life is beautiful. You should try sticking around some, you'll see."
You told me that one night--& I finally understand.

Your life is beautiful. You should try sticking around some, you'll see.
I'm telling you that now. Have you ever seen it when the sun's rays hits it in just the right angles? Or if there is no sun, the way it glows under the moonlight and the stars? Even if there is no moon or stars, have you seen the luminescence around it? Around you...?

Happiness is closer than you can imagine.

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