Doctor, it has been a while since I felt like this-- I never expected it to happen at this time.
I don't know if you'll understand my complications, but that's ok. I only wanted some advice, perhaps a suggestion or two on what I should do about this situation of mine:
It's a bit painful, yet comforting at the same time. I never realized the magnitude to only be put on hold. For approximately a year, I suppose. I can do that, I can wait. Don't worry, I can be patient on things like this. But it bothers me a bit, that he'll be so far away. I really can't say that though, cause it'll be the same when I go as well.
I want to know him better. There, I said it. I like him. There, I said it. I admit though, I am shy.
I comprehend the reasons, please don't stress-I know you have enough already. Honestly, this would be for the best considering the circumstances.. but that doesn't make me feel any better. Truthfully, this would be the time for me to concentrate on school.. but that doesn't mean I'm able. Frankly, this would be when I take a deep breath and move on.. but that doesn't mean I will. Like I said, I can wait. I will wait and cross my fingers things turn out right.
Doctor, the thing is...
I think I sprained my heart.
2 Confessions:
oy. when i saw the title i was startled. pregnant? but really interesting perception. the doctor's office. i know how you feel though. college taking people away and giving them shiny new lives that don't really include you. its okay though. like you said, it'll be the same when i go as well.
Jenny, dear. I love how you understand what I'm writing about once you read it. You are my constant in life (: Yes, college is taking him away.
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